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IB Book links

Homepage Image provides free resources to all users of the Cambridge courses for the IB Diploma to support teaching and learning.
The website is designed to make it quick and easy for you to find all the resources that are associated with any title from the Cambridge course for the IB Diploma.
Its key features are that it contains appropriate supporting resources for each subject; a wide range of downloadable file types; editable worksheets and case studies; groups all resources by type within each subject; provides guidance on how to use resources in your teaching..

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Pearson Baccalaureate is a comprehensive series of resources specifically written for the IB Diploma by practising IB teachers, examiners and workshop leaders. was established in Denmark in 1988, under the name Ventus, and has always focused on publishing educational material for students and business professionals. The company continuously aims to set new standards in the world of modern publishing based on its readers’ needs.
In 2005, the company made a strategic leap and became the world’s first online book publisher to provide free textbooks for students.

An image showing a line of books on a shelf
Cambridge University Press in India provides educational and academic materials to millions of learners in India and South Asia, and our focus is on the development of affordable and high-quality educational products.

Boston University Libraries house more than 2.4 million physical volumes, over 45,000 current unique serials, and 77,000 media titles. Specialized libraries and collections include:

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Word of the Day


Definition: Foolish; totally unsound.
Synonyms: screwball, softheaded, crazy

Article of the Day

Daily Grammar Lesson

This Day in History

Today's Birthday

Today's Holiday

Yemen September Revolution Day

Yemen observes two Revolution Days: one commemorates the revolutionary movement that overthrew the monarchy of Imam Muhammad al-Badr on September 26, 1962, and helped pave the way for the creation of the Yemen Arab Republic. Before that could occur, however, British occupation of the area remained another force impeding independence. Revolts against the British then ensued in 1962-63, and, by 1967, the British granted Yemen its sovereignty. These revolts are commemorated on October 14. More...

Quote of the Day
Very few reputations are gained by unsullied virtue.
Gilbert Chesterton

Word Trivia

Today's topic: loaf

bread bag - A plastic wrapper in which a loaf of bread is sold, intended to keep the bread fresh for longer than it would be if unwrapped. More...

loaf - A head on a cabbage. More...

bread - In Old English, it meant "piece, morsel," while actual bread was known as "loaf." More...

crumb - The soft inner part of a bread roll, slice, or loaf. More...

Grammar Quiz

Spelling Bee
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Match Up
Match each word in the left column with its synonym on the right. When finished, click Answer to see the results. Good luck!



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Match each word in the left column with its antonym (opposite) on the right. When finished, click Answer to see the results. Good luck!