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Library Activities - 2016

Scholastic Book Fair - 2016:

Scholastic had conducted a two days book fair at ISH. On this occasion, the Ribbon cutting Inauguration ceremony was executed by Head of School, Dr. Oli Tooher - Hancock. The two days book fair went very well, showcasing a display of latest Fiction ( Picture and Illustrated ) and Non-Fiction books on the colorful shelves and racks. Among this varied collection, a few titles were thematic and relevant to the Guided Inquiry Unit as well.

In fact, the students from Toddlers to Grade -12's had a wonderful time going through and selecting their books. The staff also got an idea of the latest titles and genres available.

International Literacy Day Events - 2017:

September 8th was declared International Literacy Day by UNESCO on November 17, 1965. Its aim is to highlight the importance of literacy. ISH observed this special day with a range of activities. Early childhood teachers read out famous children’s books to their classes and were shown Eric Carl’s famous movies during their library session. In Elementary, teachers shared information about the importance of International Literacy Day and we're talking about the uniqueness about it. 

Grades 3 and 5 students were shown few International Literacy Day videos in the Library and also shown videos about enterprising individuals like Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest ever Nobel Prize laureate. Grade 5 students conducted a short survey of our school support staff and accumulated data to ascertain their literacy level. This data will be used by them to create graphs as part of Math. Students made connections to their personal life; they shared their experiences and some of them talked about their parents who are involved in helping spread literacy in various ways.

Conceptual Thinking:

After a book reading session students are given a library activity, where the students have to promote and share book information. This is done by putting down their own ideas and thoughts in the form of a blurb.  This activity aims to increase their memory power and thinking skills as well.

Story Reading Session:

Reading an Illustrated - Picture books to the students during the library session.  This activity aims to improve students understanding and give an opportunity to visualize the book characters and names competently.

KITE Flying Event - 2017:

It was a wonderful event hosted by ISH, where I got an opportunity to fly the kites with different age groups and assisted and taught them the techniques to fly the kites.

Sports Day Event:

Just relaxed after a great break during the Sports Day Event at ISH.

Faculty and Staff members:

Sharing a delightful moment with faculty and staff members at ISH.

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Word of the Day


Definition: Foolish; totally unsound.
Synonyms: screwball, softheaded, crazy

Article of the Day

Daily Grammar Lesson

This Day in History

Today's Birthday

Today's Holiday

Yemen September Revolution Day

Yemen observes two Revolution Days: one commemorates the revolutionary movement that overthrew the monarchy of Imam Muhammad al-Badr on September 26, 1962, and helped pave the way for the creation of the Yemen Arab Republic. Before that could occur, however, British occupation of the area remained another force impeding independence. Revolts against the British then ensued in 1962-63, and, by 1967, the British granted Yemen its sovereignty. These revolts are commemorated on October 14. More...

Quote of the Day
Very few reputations are gained by unsullied virtue.
Gilbert Chesterton

Word Trivia

Today's topic: loaf

bread bag - A plastic wrapper in which a loaf of bread is sold, intended to keep the bread fresh for longer than it would be if unwrapped. More...

loaf - A head on a cabbage. More...

bread - In Old English, it meant "piece, morsel," while actual bread was known as "loaf." More...

crumb - The soft inner part of a bread roll, slice, or loaf. More...

Grammar Quiz

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